Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Delhi Bomb Blast Photos & Video

Ten people were killed and 61 injured by a bomb blast inside the Delhi High Court Complex in the capital on Wednesday morning. The militant group Harkat ul Jihad al Islami (HuJI) took responsibility for the blasts in an email sent to several Indian news organizations. The attack seemed to have been calculated to maximize the loss of life and to take advantage of gaps in the security screening process for this busy public building. "It had all the makings of an improvised explosive device set up by a terror group," said India's Home Secretary, R.K. Singh. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is in Bangladesh on a state visit, called the blast a "cowardly" act. "We will never succumb to the pressure of terrorism," he said to reporters in Dhaka. "This is a long war in which all political parties, all the people of India, have to stand united so that this scourge of terrorism is crushed.

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