Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hollywood Celebrity Babes with Her Cleavage

Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Marisa Miller

Ladies and gentlemen, the weapons of mass distraction have been found. Marisa Miller has topped the list at the #1 position for exposing her artillery, including this pair of matching torpedos.

Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Halle Berry

She's an Academy and Emmy Award-winning actress; Halle Berry even has a pair of dazzling Golden Globes. Shazzam! Halle Berry has won her spot at #2 on the list of beautiful women with beautiful sweater kittens
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Salma Hayek

Singer, actor, producer, and director, Salma Hayek is talented to say the least. If her career were to ever nose dive, it's safe to say, her dual air bags would promptly save her life. Salma bursts through the list at #3
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Nikki Cox

About Nikki Cox and what wonderful rolls she has been a part of, but come on, look at those flashing headlights. She is #4 on the list for a reason people.
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Jennifer Love Hewitt

Cast into Party of Five it is quite obvious why Jennifer Love Hewitt is #5 on our list. It's because of her Party of Two, get it, because she has two giant breasts
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes
Hollywood Celebrity Babes

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